Garden Insects

Garden Insects

Garden Insects 100ml

Garden Insects

Registration No. L8502 – ACT 36 OF 1947

KOMBAT GARDEN INSECTS is a suspension concentrate stomach and contact insecticide for the control of Harvest Termites, Lawn Caterpillars, Ants and various insect pests in the Home and Gardens.

Active Ingredient
Deltamethrin (pyrethroid) – 10g/ℓ

KOMBAT GARDEN INSECTS is extremely versatile and can be utilized as an insect bait or as a spray to foliage and soil. It is quick acting and has a good residual effect. This product is easily mixed and can be applied as a spray or brushed onto surfaces. Kombat Garden Insects is quick acting with a good residual effect.

KOMBAT GARDEN INSECTS CAN BE USED FOR: Cockroaches, ants, northern harvester termite, American bollworm, aphids, chafer beetle, caterpillars, cutworms, flower beetles / Astylus, lily borer, shieldbugs, thrips, white fly, Australian bug and shorthorned grasshoppers.

Available in 100ml